All EAHS Conferences offer access to unrivalled content thanks to our keynote speakers and panellists, all specialists in their field, providing the overarching narrative for the Conference.

Panel discussions prove year after year as an excellent method for addressing complex topic areas, providing a rich experience for all attendees, and are often one of the key highlights of the entire summit, bringing together a group of diverse scholars and experts who sharing a common interest in the topic, providing a platform for intelligent discussion and debate.

We search year-round for presenters and panellists and If you would to nominate either yourself or someone else, we want to hear from you!

    Part 1: About you

    Part 2: About the Speaker/ Panelist

    I am nominating myself

    Before submitting your nomination, please see below:

    • There is no deadline for nominating a speaker. If you've submitted a nomination, it will stay in our database to be considered for future conferences.

    • Due to volume, we are not able to respond personally to each suggestion, but someone from EAHS will be in touch if needed.

    • You will be added to our database to receive essential humanitarian News and updates occasionsly.

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