“With the health and safety of our exhibitors and attendees at the forefront of our plans for EAHS AFRICA Nairobi 2022, having reviewed the advice given to us, and based on the information and guidelines we have at the moment, we feel that it would be best to move the conference from the 07–09 Sept. to 07–09 December 2022”
Cameron Malik,
Conference/ Expo Director, EAHS AFRICA
Just over two years ago our lives were transformed, and we learnt to live with the mantra to expect the unexpected. Life has changed and we have learned to transform, similarly, EAHS Africa has transformed, navigating our way through one Zoom Meeting after another. The lack of personal interaction was very noticeable from the onset. Consequently, for us, it has always been imperative to work towards a physical event.
In planning for EAHS Nairobi 2022, our first in-person event since 2019, we have been working very closely with both the Aid Community and the Private Sector as well as taking advice from diplomatic missions and Chambers of Commerce based in Nairobi, to ensure we can bring you a safe and secure conference. During discussions over the last two weeks, concerns over security for a conference in September have been brought to our attention, with elections due in August in Kenya.
The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) in Kenya recently mapped out 23 counties as possible hotspots for violence before, during, and after the August elections, including Nairobi, where the conference would be hosted.
Several diplomatic missions based in Nairobi have recently issued security alerts raising fears over the likelihood of election-related demonstrations and violence, with citizens being advised to keep a low profile and remain extremely vigilant, especially in Nairobi, with a heightened threat of terrorism.
With the health and safety of our exhibitors and attendees at the forefront of our plans for EAHS AFRICA Nairobi 2022, having reviewed the advice given to us, and based on the information and guidelines we have at the moment, we feel that it would be best to move the conference from the 07–09 Sept. to the 07–09 Dec. 2022.
You can trust that we will remain transparent in our communication, providing the most up-to-date details about health and safety protocols.
As Africa’s Longest Established & Premier Humanitarian Conference/ Expo, we have forged close ties with international governments, leading public bodies, multilateral institutions, non-governmental organizations and the global business community, ensuring the seniority and relevance of attendees and speakers at the conference from the UN/Aid Community are unrivalled across Africa.
EAHS Conferences are hosted and moderated by Senior Officials from the UN and Aid & Development community offering unrivalled content thanks to our keynote speakers and panellists, specialists in their field, providing the overarching narrative for the Conference.
We have always been committed to and supported by community engagement, and that will not change.
Our mission remains the same: to provide the Private Sector with a platform for discussion on cross-sector collaboration with senior representatives from UN and government agencies, development banks, National and International NGOs, and key stakeholders for interactive discussion, high-level networking and business development.
We will always be committed to providing business exhibitions that transcend the boundaries of the traditional conference model. Our conferences allow the private sector to join humanitarian leaders, hear from high profile speakers, showcase their latest products and technologies and engage in private one to one matchmaking meetings with Heads of Procurement and Partnership Specialists, from Leading UN Agencies, NGO’s And INGO’s, Government Ministers & Development Banks, in attendance to source goods & services & to learn more about Innovations.
We look forward to welcoming everyone in person to EAHS AFRICA Nairobi 2022 in December, see you there!
Following the summit, I am already in discussion with some of the suppliers I met who have good products we are interested in. I liked the interaction with vendors. I commend (EAHS) for organizing the Summit and successfully bringing together humanitarian aid workers, the private sector, academicians and professionals.
Ms. Lucy Mungatia, Director of Supply Chain Management, World Vision International